Entes Anomicos RadioShow # 54

Un nuevo show esta vez disfrutando mucha musica Pop en diferentes estilos y sonidos.Si deseas oir el show en tu pc descargalo AQUI o si deseas directamente online puedes hacer como siempre click en el player que se encuentra abajo.Te deseo mucha diversion con esta edicion del show.
One new show this time enjoying a lot of Pop music in very different styles and sounds.If you want to listen this issue on your pc please make click HERE or if you want online you can make click on the player below.I wish you a lot of fun with this issue. 

Playlist :
1)Young Scum "if you say that"
2)Postal Blue "bitterness is sweet"
3)Other Colors "from the first note"
4)Snails "winter hearts"
5)Always "adul diversion"
6)Gold Muse "trick of time"
7)Hawai Burger "summer loner"
8)Featherfin "the only thing i miss"
9)Mercury Girls "all that heaven allows"
10)Seafang "summertime"
11)Horsebeach "its alright"
12)Insta "surround (demo)"
13)The Suncharms "sparkle"
14)Nice Legs "one"
15)Tom John Hall "clever boy"