Entes Anomicos RadioShow # 50

Llegamos a la edicion cincuenta y lo celebramos con mas de una hora de fino y electrizante Dreampop y Shoegaze, esta edicion esta cargada melodia y pasion.Puedes oirlo en tu pc descargandolo AQUI o si deseas oirlo online puedes dar click al player aqui abajo.Como siempre espero que esta edicion te resulte interesante.
We arrived to the a new show this time number 50,we bring you electric and heartful Dreampop and Shoegaze music.If you want it on your pc please make click HERE and if you want the show online go to the player down here.We hope you have a lot of fun listen to the show.

Playlist : 
1) Beach House "majorette"
2) Lemolo "fuel"
3) Porcelain Raft "drifting in and out"
4) Lowtide "julia"
5) Airiel "firefly"
6) Sleep Pary People "chin"
7) Winter "the view"
8) Malory "sleeper"
9) New Canyons "pitch black"
10) Pinkshinyultrablast "blaster"
11) Tropic Of Cancer "stop suffering"
12) Sad Day For Puppies "mother´s tears"
13) Sleep Over "romantic stream"
14) Youryoungbody "smuther"